Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Damask letters and numbers

Over at the cricut forum someone was looking for damask letters. I was able to figure out one way of making them and here are the results.

This is a pic of what the letters look like.

and this is a pic of what the numbers look like. If you would like to download the damask font for FREE as an svg file(which includes Capital letters only + brackets and numbers) you can do so by following this link. Sadly it does not include silhouettes, I am however making another damask font which will include the letter's silhouettes. Here's a preview of what I have so far....
You can click on the pics to make them bigger.
Any suggestions on fonts or damask patters I could use are welcome. I can't wait to try them out myself...I'm still waiting for my scal to get here :(


  1. WOW again! Thanks for the awesome letters--just beautiful! Will check your website often!!

  2. im not quite sure how this works i dont know how to seperate each letter after i download it. can you help me? this is so pretty

  3. It took me a while to search on the web, only your site open up the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.

    - Laura
